
An Acidic Quick Acting Peroxygen Disinfectant

CIRCU-SAN is a clear water white liquid with a strong acetic Acid smell. It contains oxygenated compounds, sequestering agents and acidifiers. CIRCU-SAN is ideal for the sanitizing of dairy equipment, utensils, milking machines, etc. CIRCU-SAN can be used for the sanitizing of wine tanks, equipment and utensils in food processing plants.
CIRCU-SAN is used for the removal of stains and sanitizing of linen, kitchen work, white coats, boiler suits, etc. in laundry washing machines. CIRCU-SAN is an excellent bleaching agent for woolens where discoloration and yellowing is a problem.

An Acidic Quick Acting Peroxygen Disinfectant

SKU: FC0027 Categories: ,