Degreaser/Engine Cleaner

Self-Separating Degreaser/Tank Cleaner, Solvent Base

Engine cleaner : Solvent basedDEGREASER is a highly efficient, self-separating, non-emulsifying solvent cleaner which does not interfere with the process of oil-water disposal problems. Solvent based degreasers are often the most cost effective and quick acting products to be used for cleaning grease and oil residues. Unfortunately these traditional degreasers cause several problems beside environmental issues. One of these problems is that traditional emulsion cleaners interfere with the separating process of oil-water operators. If these emulsions are discharged untreated directly into the sea, streams, lakes or sewage treatment plants they may destroy equipment or cause ecological damage.
DEGREASER has been carefully developed to avoid these problems. It works by dispersing oil and grease particles rather than emulsifying them with the rinse water. This technique enables rapid and complete separation of the oil from the water. The chemical goes into the oil phase, thus leaving the water phase clean from chemical and oil. The oil phase can be reclaimed or burned without any interference from the chemical. Oil-water separators can work to maximum capacity without any conflict with the bilge water that contains the cleaning chemical. Cleaning of mineral oils and petroleum based chemicals from metals, painted surfaces, stone and concrete when slop is required to separate. Cleaning tanks, bilges, tank tops and machinery spaces. Cleaning and degreasing of cooling water systems prior to descaling operations.

Self-Separating Degreaser/Tank Cleaner, Solvent Base

SKU: FD0036 Categories: ,